If there is one personal attribute that I continually struggle with it's patience. I find myself saying at once "Life is just flying by." and "Crikey, why does everything take so danged long?!".
And it's true, life is just flying by so what's my damned hurry? Can't wait to meet the Grim Reaper? I think not. I love my life. Yet time and again I lose my patience over stupid things over which I have no control.
I spend so much time in the company of wildlife you would think I would take their cue. Animals have an incredible aptitude for patience. Their very lives depend on it so they develop the skill at a very early age. It's absolutely fascinating to observe wild animals on the hunt. They can remain motionless for very long spans of time in hope of catching a meal.
I'm sure in the course of human history we had these skills too but they seem to have gone the way of the dodo bird. I fly through the super market like a witch on a broomstick. I need no patience to get MY vittles.
Yet, I sense we need patience every bit as much as those snowy egrets in order to survive. A lack of patience is a great source of stress and I truly believe stress is the root cause of all disease. Just get yourself worked up over something not happening as quickly as you would like and see how fast your blood pressure spikes.
So, I hereby make myself this promise, I will practice every day to be a little more patient with myself and others. I will constantly remind myself there is no rush. Everything happens in its own good time, just as it should.
We're all on the road to the same destination so we might as well relax and enjoy it. Don't you think?
©Kinsey Barnard